Putnam City Schools believes that student and community attendance at extracurricular activities is an important component of the educational experience. These events allow for our students and community to unite, show school pride, and highlight the endless talents of our student body; however, we want to ensure that these events remain safe and fun for all. The safety of Putnam City’s students, staff, and guests is our top priority. In order to promote safety at all school-sponsored events, the District wants to remind all patrons of the following event safety guidelines:
Entry through Weapons Detection System is mandatory for all spectators
All school-age spectators must be affiliated with the participating schools unless accompanied by an adult
Middle and elementary age students must be accompanied at all times by parent/guardian for the duration of the event
All high school students will be verified by their school administration before being allowed entry
No bags allowed
One small clutch-style wallet for personal items & bags for medical necessities will be
allowed following search
Students that leave the game are not allowed to re-enter
No entry after the start of the 4th quarter of the last game or once capacity is reached
No loitering allowed in school parking lots or on school property
As a reminder, weapons of any kind are not permitted on any Putnam City School Campus.
District Policy BE: Weapons: The District prohibits the possession and/or use of weapons and firearms on District property … Employees and students who violate this provision will be subject to disciplinary action.
If these guidelines are not adhered, Putnam City Schools’ Administration reserves the right to deny entry or remove any individual from the school event at any time.
Above all, Putnam City Schools appreciates the cooperation of all students, families, and community members to ensure the utmost safety at all school events.